About IEI
Illinois is a net exporter of engineering talent. We are home to some of the best engineering schools in the world, but we aren’t retaining that talent for our workforce. And, we know that the demand for Illinois engineers will only grow in the coming decades as more engineers retire. We are dedicated to helping fill the engineering talent gap. Our mission is to build and retain engineering talent in Illinois.
- Provide encouragement and support to the next generation of engineers.
- Help employers recruit and retain talent in Illinois.
- Provide the tools necessary to hone the skills of emerging leaders in the engineering industry.
- Identify and provide outreach opportunities to underrepresented communities in the engineering profession.
Foster math and engineering education at all levels by supporting the statewide MATHCOUNTS competition, and by supporting Illinois students and educators.
Target education and career resources to populations that remain underrepresented in engineering fields.
Support the ongoing education and development of Illinois’s existing engineering community.
Identify and address future workforce and education needs.
Board of Directors
Laura McGovern, PE

Kristin Timmons, PE
Secretary, Treasurer

Teresa Saner
Carl Schoedel, PE

Craig Turner, PE, PLS

Kevin Artl

Kim Robinson, CAE
Executive Director